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Develop a dash panel that would imitate the finish of high-end cars’ panels.
The main challenge was to develop a high-end dash panel without the high volume and, more so, without having access to the technology that is available in the automotive industry. Also, we had to develop this high-end dash panel within a budget range we would see when working on a standard marine dash panel.
To achieve this, we had to work on three important elements. The first one was the black piano look. We opted for black acrylic, a material that has a nice mirror finish and that has proven its durability in the marine industry. The second important element we had to work on was the attachment system, which had to serve multiple purposes. It needed to support the digital display, to attach the display to the boat and, finally, to create a floating effect. We started by using a thicker acrylic to machine a base that would create the floating effect. After that, we decided to use brass inserts to solidify the display and to attach the panel to the boat, all of this incorporated in the machined base. Finally, we had to integrate a metal rod to add a nice finish all around the panel. To achieve this, we had to machine a channel and integrate a pre-bent rod in it. Thanks to its innovative skills, BCH Image was able to develop a high-end dash panel that has an automotive look, but at afraction of the cost.